The new single from Riff Raiders is Nothing to Lose and it is a beautifully crafted two and a half minute anthem with plenty of chug. The first cab of the rank for the band’s next album, Welcome to Mars, is accompanied by a remarkable video where the band chose to recreate the seventies music show Countdown.

Videographer Richard De Silva shot the clip at ABC TV Studios in Melbourne who allowed the Riff Raiders to dig deep in their vaults and dust off some of the original lights used on those iconic sets.

“We felt the high-energy banging nature of the track deserved a video clip to match, so we were stoked to be able to use some of the amazing vintage gear at the ABC to recreate a late seventies styled set” – Jenni Powell.

The song emerged at first as a fourth part to an album track and immediately stood out as a standalone. Nothing To Lose spawned right at the end of the pre-production process and, full of raw energy when it was recorded, was largely a one take effort. Nothing to Lose, the recording to the video clip, is ideal. This is how you do it.

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